Learn to Appreciate the Value of Naturally Clean Water

Water is one of the most important and life sustaining components of our bodies. Most of us definitely drink too little water and the unrequited bodily need for water poses a serious threat to our health. The best way to quench the thirst is to sip liquid in small quantities. To prevent dehydration, a person should drink at least eight glasses of water – mineral water – a day. It is important to supplement the level of minerals by selecting the right mineral water, rich in minerals in optimal proportions – guaranteed by natural mineral water.

On the market, water is divided into mineral water, spring water and table water. Mineral water has the highest quality parameters as the cleanest, untreated, and with a strictly defined

(controlled) mineral content - Arctic is the water of this type

. Spring water, such as Żywiec Zdrój, is drawn from natural springs. However, it is often treated to improve taste. Table water, such as Bonaqua and Aqua Minerale, is filtered and treated. Therapeutic water belongs to a different category. Due to its unique content and impact on the human body it may be consumed regularly only upon medical consultation.

From the perspective of a healthy diet, natural mineral water with medium or high mineral content is best for daily use.

Mineral water

is primarily intended for daily consumption, and as its contains valuable (ionised) minerals, it is the perfect supplement to our daily diet. It is especially beneficial to those with active lifestyles and athletes, and can be drunk in

unlimited quantities


Mineral water with high mineral content

can be a good source of micro- and macro-elements lacking in our diet. However, dieticians caution that this type of water should be drank only in justified cases – when our body is exhausted or lacks specific minerals. Unfortunately, uncontrolled consumption of mineral water with high mineral content may be conducive to some ailments.

Though the mineral content of

table water

is not natural (water mixture), may be drunk to supplement our daily diet. Given the mixing of numerous waters and their origins, to be safe, table water should be boiled before drinking.

Most Popular Kinds of Non-Carbonated Water


Zywiec Zdroj





Hoop SA

Zywiec Zdroj SA

Coca-Cola Beverages Sp. z o.o

Naleczowianka Sp. z o.o.

Multivita Sp. z o.o.

Source(name of water intake)

Bialowieski Zdroj in Bielsk Podlaski

S and ZW in Ciecina, near Zywiec


Antopol in Nałęczów

Adam and Ignacy in Tylicz


moderate mineral and low sodium content

spring water

low sodium content

moderate mineral content

moderate mineral and low sodium content

Mineral content






Content analysed by

Balneoprojekt Laboratory, Design and Technical Services for Health Resorts

Research and Development Institute of the State Hygiene Authority, in Poznan


Balneoprojekt Laboratory, Design and Technical Services for Health Resorts

AGH University of Science and Technology of Katowice

Functionality and label






* Grading scale from 1 to 5

In our test, we used the information from the labels of brand products sold throughout the country.
On the basis of the above grading scale and results, Arctic mineral water and Nałęczowianka ranked the highest.