Current Reports 2013

Below are the electronic versions (PDF format) of all current reports of KOFOLA S.A. published 2013 year, in chronological order (beginning from the most recent report).

The list of information publicised in 2013:

Decision about execution of the call option for Series A2 of Bonds(185,2 kB)download
New Member of the Supervisory Board(186,7 kB)download
Resignation of the Board Member(180,4 kB)download
Resignation of Supervisory Board Member(179,6 kB)download
Registration of redemption of shares, reduction of share capital and amendment to the Company’s statue(299,4 kB)download
Admission of Czech bonds to trading on the Prague Stock Exchange(200,4 kB)download
Successful issue of bonds in Czech Republic(199,6 kB)download
Conclusion of Czech bonds subscription agreement(199 kB)download
Approval of the bonds issue prospectus of KOFOLA SA in Czech Republic – first coupon amount (200,5 kB)download
Adoption of resolution regarding issue of bonds in the Czech Republic (203,9 kB)download
Intention to exceed average daily volume of purchase(203,9 kB)download
Agreement on purchase of own shares(200,4 kB)download
Managment Board New term(220,1 kB)download
List of shareholders on OGMS(178,2 kB)download
Share buy back program(206 kB)download
Dividend payment for 2012(203,6 kB)download
Resolutions adopted by the OGMS(344,7 kB)download
Subsidiaries cross border merger(175,9 kB)download
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) Convening(350,4 kB)download
Managment Board dividend proposal(178,1 kB)download
Subsidiary debts guarantee / Establishment of limited property right to the assets of significant value(185,7 kB)download
Correction of independent auditor's reports on the financial statements(176,4 kB)download
Corrected independent auditor's report on the financial statements on the financial statement of KOFOLA SA(4,9 MB)download
Dates of release of the periodic reports in 2013(176,7 kB)download
Corrected independent auditor's report on the financial statements on the consolidated financial statement of KOFOLA Group(6,5 MB)download